On assignment

Alissa Christine is a freelance photo contributor, trusted for her eye, perspective and professionalism.

Her photos always managed to tell an incredible story. It didn’t matter what subject I gave her, she would always find a way to connect with it and put her heart into it.
— Hadley Henriette, Editor for Haute Living and 944 Magazine

Behind the scenes video

Alissa Christine photographs Mario Barrett for 944 September 09 Fashion Issue. Cameo by Sean Garrett. \\\ Photography/Editing: Alissa Christine. Videography: Brando. Editor/Writer: Hadley Henriette. Styling: Pipi Loose. Grooming: Natalie Thomas. Intern: Mercedes. 944 Cover Photo: Marc Baptiste. Location: Fontainebleau Miami. \\\ Soundtrack..... Mario: "Go" & "Break Up - feat.